Saying Goodbye to the Hottest Band in the World

It didn't hit me the night I saw the final KISS show in Glendale, AZ. In a lot of ways it should have because I was there with my best friend Rudy Moreno, who is no longer with us as we lost him to COVID-19, and my son, who saw KISS for the first and last time that night. At the end of the night I stared for a moment at the Thank you Glendale displayed from the stage and smiled as I had just seen the greatest rock and roll show that I had ever seen in my life. And mind you, I had seen KISS several times before that night as well as many other great rock bands. It started to hit me about a month before the last show at Madison Square Garden. I have no recollection of a time in my life when KISS was not only around but a touring group. So the thought of knowing that they will no longer be coming to my hometown for another great show hit me hard. No one puts on a better show than KISS and what many detractors also fail to see is that members of the KISS Army are amazed each yea...