Remembering The Brilliance of Eric Carr

Better Late Than Never is something we hear a lot and this seems to apply a lot to the late Eric Carr, who was the drummer for KISS from 1980-1991. While many hardcore KISS fans loved his drumming during his time with the band there are still many who did not show such appreciation until many years after his tragic death in November of 1991. Perhaps it was out of loyalty to the great Peter Criss, who was the original drummer of the band or perhaps it was because the KISS Army had to experience the reality of Don't Know Whatcha Got 'Til It's Gone. Either way, many are finally seeing how great he was and even going as far as stating that Carr was in fact the best drummer KISS ever had. With the band ending its touring career many fans have taken some time to look back on the entire performance career of the band. Thankfully, the band did include songs from each era during their final touring set list, which brought Carr into the conversation again about the b...