In Defense of Extreme Drumming

I always find it interesting to talk to drummers from different eras and musical backgrounds. This is something I get to do quite often because I work in a number of musical settings such as Country, Rock, Pop, Latin, World Musical Theater, and even Christian. Of course these genres also have a fan base that extends from children to the elderly so opinions vary with some being rather ho hum while others are rather strong. My age puts me in the middle of the various points of view that come from either side of the discussion. I am from a more modern era than the old school jazz drummers yet not quite as eccentric as some of the younger drummers. However, I say eccentric with all due respect because this new generation of drummers is doing things that are just mind boggling even though I may not fully understand their musical vision. Nevertheless, I have great respect for drummers on both sides of the aisle. When I talk to the old s...